Midday Larry Report
just spoke to Paulette charge nurse and she was very pleasant and informative... Larry had an IV _PIC removed from one arm and put into the other this morning due to infection new line is running smoothly and since he is already on meds nothing else is needed.... surg. could be on for tomorrow if Ortho feels comfortable with his pneumonia.... he is more awake today and responses correctly about 50% of time exp... when asked if Lawrence is his middle name... he shook his head yes.... Do you like to be called Larry... again yes.... lift two fingers.... he would lift arm.... and other commands were not carried out correctly .... this could be because he just plain didn't want to.... because they believe he is understanding.... he is breathing pretty much on his own..... which sounds very promising!!! well that's the Midday Larry Report from Chilly but Charming Minneapolis, Minnesota!!
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