As the newly waining moon settles over the Twin Cities I look up and Smile... within hours Larry will be another year older !!! Still older than me, I will add !!! .... My heart and mind wanders back to five months earlier.... when for many days we prayed for this day to one of celebrations, not of lost opportunities....
Larry, we have been given a wonderful gift .... you for a chance, to enjoy the second half of your life, capturing photo memories with your talent and lenses.... Pamela has been given a second chance, to feel the blessing of daily encounters with you, watching you heal and learning from your determination and exceptance of your situation.... I have been given the gift of letting you know what you are to me , what you have been to me and most of all, what I see possible in the future...
Few people witness miracles, fewer are given multiple miracles.... We have, as a family, have seen and experienced more than the average share.... So on this day which many see as a miracle day I celebrate you, my Hero..... You may picture Heroes all wearing uniforms protecting us from harm... I see the most important Hero in my life as a protector of my heart, a fighter for the future and a Man I am so very proud to call Brother.
Enjoy your day,
Love from Minnesota
My name is Crystal and I used to see Larry at Jake Rooney's and once gave him and his bicycle a ride home because it was a little too late for him to be riding. I hope he remembers me. I would love to talk to him and see how he is doing. My e-mail is: cskeyes@comcast.net. I hope all is well, Larry! I miss our chats. Drop me a line.
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