Larry's Journey

A daily update on Larry Chandler's Fight for Life starting with Saturday October 22, 2005

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday's Update Nov 5th

Hey everyone
Sorry this is the only update today. Lots going on. I got to talk with a Dr this evening when I called. He had some really good things to say about Larry's stability and how far he has come. He has eaten more today and continues to breathe well on his own. They are concerned that he is a little confused sometimes but also say that it has a lot to do with being in ICU for so long. He said Larry should be out of ICU very soon and ready for some much needed surgery hopefully this coming week. Keep the prayers coming and Thanks
love pamela

Friday, November 04, 2005

Midday Larry Report Friday

It's Friday as the Clouds roll in over the Twin Cities, I think to myself those clouds will float over Boston in about three days.... Rain is heading your way.... so much for the weather report everyone wants the afternoon Larry Report... It seems that Larry had turkey and potatoes for lunch... I pictured him chopping down on a large juicy leg bone just ripped from its still steaming body!, but that's why they call me a "Dreama" The fact remains he HAD TURKEY!!!! His Spirits are good and he is getting stronger by the hour! Awesome Larry .... We continue to pray and rejoice in our wonderful Miracle.... xoxox Robin


Hey everyone
Mom got a great report this morning. He did very well over night without the
breathing tube and get this....... He had ice cream for breakfast this
morning!!! I am sure it didn't have all the junk in it that he likes, but it was ice
The prayers are certainly working!

Yummy way to go Larry!!!! hugs and kisses and lots of prayers.... Robin

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Paulette shares her Joy

Larry is doing great.
No more breathing tube or neck brace. He was talking and just looks so good. I never felt so proud to be a part of this family, than I did today. I was so happy to see Him. I had a smile from ear to ear when I saw how great he's doing. He's got his hat back and looks great in it and that smile. I waited so long to see that smile. What more could anyone ask for. This is the most wonderful day I ever had. My Uncle Larry is back. By the grace of God he's back and it's so great. YEH !!
I love u so much Uncle Larry and Im in that corner fighting that good fight right along with you. Im always there
Love you Uncle Larry, Paulette
Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:30:49 PM


patrick just called, Larry now has his hat on and is asking and answering
questions. He knows he has been in an accident and wants to know when he can out
of there!! :)
the nurses tell patrick that larry is a great patient! i gotta go to work now
but the kids will stop by work when they get back from boston.
HE HAS HIS HAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
love pamela

OK who's NOT crying as this is read!!! thanks Ra

Thursday Midday

I just talked to Patty, Day Nurse with a super personality!....
Larry is doing great without the Breathing Tube He will be very happy to get his hat !!!
and with any luck surg. will be next week..... What a Fighter!!!!

Hugs from Ra aka Robin aka Hil

thursday morning update for larry

Wow Everyone!!
Larry had a very good nite and this morning he had his breathing tube removed. This is a huge step. He is breathing on his own and although his throat will be sore for awhile he is doing great. The pneumonia and infection have subsided for the time being and they are going to let him continue to stabalize and gain strength and hopefully some surgery next week. They even mentioned that MAYBE he could be moved out of icu this weekend.
My son Patrick and his wife Paulette are going up today to be with him for awhile. He is very aware today and answering questions for the nurses. He does realize that I have his "hat" and the nurses said he could have it, so my son will be taking it to him this afternoon.

Again our family is so appreciative of all the thoughts and prayers for Larry.
He is a blessed man.
love to all

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A photo in the recent past in the famous
"Pam, Larry, Robin" pose.....

One of the best
"Pam, Larry, Robin"
poses from the mid 60's

Midday Larry Report

just spoke to Paulette charge nurse and she was very pleasant and informative... Larry had an IV _PIC removed from one arm and put into the other this morning due to infection new line is running smoothly and since he is already on meds nothing else is needed.... surg. could be on for tomorrow if Ortho feels comfortable with his pneumonia.... he is more awake today and responses correctly about 50% of time exp... when asked if Lawrence is his middle name... he shook his head yes.... Do you like to be called Larry... again yes.... lift two fingers.... he would lift arm.... and other commands were not carried out correctly .... this could be because he just plain didn't want to.... because they believe he is understanding.... he is breathing pretty much on his own..... which sounds very promising!!! well that's the Midday Larry Report from Chilly but Charming Minneapolis, Minnesota!!

did he get into surgery???

no, apparently he had some infection in one of his tubes and ma gave
permission this morning to move the tube. I think she said they are going to put it in
around elbow. so they want to get that set today and maybe surgery tomorrow.
so we hurry up and wait!!
if you call this afternoon maybe they can tell ya more
i have to get a prescription for mom so i will be out for awhile.
love ya

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pamela's Tuesday Night Update

Good Evening all
I am sure this email list will grow as the days go by. So many have asked
for updates so I think for the time being this is the best way.
My sons took Mom and I up to see Larry today. He was awake now and then and
sure knew we were there. He stayed quite stable today so he's back on for
surgery tomorrow. The hospital still says no flowers or cards yet, but hopefully
that will change in a week or so. For now, the prayers are working and still
very needed. Thank you all. My brother is truly a blessed man.

Monday, October 31, 2005

monday afternoon

ma just called. Uncle Bob passed away today. She has talked with aunt Carol
and she is doing OK. Just thought you'd like to know and maybe you can call ma
later. I know she feels kinda helpless but also knows she's gotta stay around
here. i will call ya later when i talk with the hosp tonite
love ya

no surgery today. he has some pneumonia. the drs will be in to see him this
am they said, so they will have more info then. could you make the afternoon
call and see whats up. mom said maybe no surgery tomorrow either.
i have to leave soon to take mom to the drs but i will be back around noon.
love ya

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Downed Harwich bicyclist still in ICU

By PATRICK CASSIDYSTAFF WRITERHARWICH - It was a week ago today that William Lawrence ''Larry'' Chandler Jr. spent his first full day in the intensive-care unit at Boston Medical Center.
Harbor assistant Larry Chandler is in serious condition a week after apparently being struck by a hit-and-run driver.
Chandler, 51, an avid bicyclist and fixture in Harwich, was struck riding on Route 28 last Saturday night, apparently hit by a car.
His condition has been upgraded from critical to serious, according to hospital officials, but the local ''kid'' still has a long way to go.
Police are still trying to determine how Chandler was injured.
Harbor Master Thomas Leach, who has been Chandler's boss for the past three decades, has said Chandler was hit on a dangerous S-turn along Route 28 where he was probably walking his bike in the heavy rain that night. Leach spoke about his friend last week.
''The town is as much his family as his family. He runs our shop and he does all the repairs - that sort of thing,'' said Leach.
When Chandler first started working for Leach he would complain about his duties. Leach now leaves a list of projects on an answering machine he bought specifically for that purpose and everything gets done without a word.
Chandler shingles, maintains moorings, welds and does anything else that needs doing. Two weeks ago Chandler twice went out to sea early in the morning to rescue stranded boaters.
Chandler's eclectic duties at work parallel his equally eclectic interests off the clock. A lifelong Harwich resident, he builds model cars, many of which are displayed at the harbor master's workshop. He reads incessantly, often tackling technical magazines that those around him can only wonder at.
''If he didn't have anything to read, he would pick up an encyclopedia and read it cover to cover,'' said his mother, Harriet Chandler. ''He has probably read every volume.''
Chandler's family has remained close.
He saw one sister, Pamela Marsh, most mornings on his way to work.
He visited his mother weekly. Another sister lives in Minnesota.
Chandler's mother has been surprised by the number of people who have asked about her son's condition.
''No matter where you go people say, 'Oh yeah, I know Larry,''' she said.
''I don't think he knows the impact he has had on the whole town,'' said Chandler's nephew, Patrick Sweeney.
Sweeney's wife, Paulette, trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Chandler, has spent the past week hanging framed pictures of him at the restaurants he frequented in town seeking information about the accident.
Even if nobody comes forward, having Chandler's face seen around town again is bound to be a source of comfort for residents here.
Patrick Cassidy can be reached at
(Published: October 30, 2005)